‘The man with unlimited energy’ ‘one of the most trusted business counsels’ ‘crisis management specialist’ ’ the most disreputable flack in New York’; these are some of the titles that have been given to Ronn Torossian.
In the year 1998, Ronn stepped into the field of public relations when he worked with Peter Vallone, then New York City Council’s speaker during his trip to Israel. He was also the media director for Christian Coalition of America.
The huge list of influential personalities that Ronn has represented includes names like Boris Tadić (the President of Serbia), Maira Nazarbayev (wife of brother of Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev), Vitaly Klitschko (the candidate for Mayor of Kiev) as well as Rinat Akhmetov (the richest man in Ukraine).
He has also been associated with various organizations like Albanian American Civic League, in Lebanon, the former Soviet Union and Likud Party in Israel during different phases of his growing career.
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