
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Give value to your content using powerful headlines

Headline is a title or caption that reveal the readers, whether the content is meant for them or not. In other words, a headline is the only thing that people read and remember about your content. Therefore, it is necessary to give special attention to make your content headline powerful.

Ronn Torossian, public relations specialist and the founder of 5WPR, shares his views on creating headlines:

Headlines should have something to offer. They must have something that readers want. Moreover, the heading of the content should not be ambiguous. It should be written from the perspective of reader so that it is easy for them to understand it.

Readers would like to get a brief about what your content is all about. So make headline concise and relevant to the content.

In addition, if you want to target a particulate type of audience, stuff keywords in the headline. Using keywords in the heading is an effective way to drive the right traffic to your online business.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ronn Torossian - Reveals reasons responsible for failure of the posts on the web

Ronn Torossian has established a public relation firm named as 5WPR in America. Mr. Torossian has expertise in handling different issues associated with public relations. Some businesses make regular updates on the web but failed to grab attention of targeted audience.

Mr. Torossian has revealed certain reasons that indicate why regular posts failed to make impact on the web.

1. Wrong timing

There is a possibility that you may not able to capture attention of the readers with your blog post. Such problems arise when you have not written according to the requirement of the readers. It is important for you to know what readers want before you post anything on the web.

2. Simple headline and confused content

You should write an attractive as well as meaningful headline to grab attention of the readers. A simple headline is not going to fulfill your purpose. Make sure that the content you have written match well with its headline.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ronn Torossian discussing tips for promoting a startup business

According to Mr. Torossian, starting a new business is the toughest task to do in a weak economy. With the help of right start up plans and strategies, the businesses can stand well in the market.

Here are certain tips suggested by Mr. Torossian that can help businesses in fulfilling their purpose.

1. Plan your brand

Firstly, you should know your competitors in the market. Secondly, you need to figure out the ways that you can use to make your brand stand unique in the market.

2. Make use of resources wisely

Do not waste money excessively on showing your business growth. Make use of other tools to get the job done. It would be a fair idea to take benefit from social media and networking sites.

3. Retention

No matter, the type of business you are running, you will need customers to survive in the highly competitive environment. You need to think about innovative ways to retain your customers.

More update visit at Ronn Torossian Blog.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ronn Torossian explains the distinction between fans and customers

Some businesses are least bothered about whether they have more customers or fan in their key public. But this attitude in terms of public relations could be dangerous. While every business will mostly have more number of customers than fans, both are essentially required. And more important is to have a clear understanding of the difference between two.

Ronn Torossian, the PR guru says that fans are those people who are adherent to a particular brand, even if they are paying a little more and will always choose what they want out of all available options. Fans could not care less about other brands in the same category unlike customers.

Another thing that differentiates these two terms is the nature of environment. The environment of fans group will be tribal by default. They identify themselves not as customers but as a part of tribe who have common beliefs and approaches. So cultivating customers into fans it he key to create generations of loyal fans for your brand. Information about For Immediate Release published by Ronn Torossian.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ronn Torossian shares some very useful tips for starting business in a depressed economy

Starting a business is challenging, but it becomes all the more challenging in a declining economy.  That is because, these are the times when banks are not willing to give big credits, cost of production is higher, and despite labor costs going down, selecting right personnel seems like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, despite all the challenges, nothing is ever impossible. With a thorough know-how and planning, you can definitely set your mark in the industry. These are the words of CEO of 5WPR, Mr. Ronn Torossian.

He suggests on using your resources wisely to start off successfully even in a depressed economy. Generally, startup businesses do not have enough capital to stay in the industry for years, which is why they must use it intelligently.

In most of the cases, businesses have finances for six months, to get established. If yours is a similar case, then do not waste any money in an attempt to grow quickly, and make your best efforts to offer what others generally don’t-effective communication with your customers.

Keep them connected via social media and do anything you can to provide quality customer service.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ronn Torossian: How changing the structure of SEO can be favorable for PR campaigns

When talking about how search engine optimization is being done today, you will most likely hear about how these practice is shifting towards social media platforms.

Ronn Torossian, the CEO of 5WPR says that this perception of Google is moving away from the old straightforward algorithms towards the path of social media impression, and creating cross platform back links. He says that from the PR’s point of view, this shift is amazing for online businesses.

This is because all these platforms provide the public as well as consumers, with a user-friendly interface that brings them closer to online shopping experience. Especially with the online feature which recommends services and products, the users can now explore the products well, and it is almost like shopping with their friends.

As the content has now moved from behind the backdrop scene to the limelight, campaign managers are now thinking creatively, into creating engaging material.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ronn Torossian – stressing on the importance of planning follow-ups to reach goals

You must have heard it on many occasions that people do not plan to fail, but actually, they fail to plan rightly. As a result of doing inappropriate planning, planners sometimes fail to reach the finishing line, which is the real failure. Sometimes individuals have amazing and useful ideas (whether for a marketing campaign, service or product). They plan, execute, get going but then just give up in the middle.

The reason behind failure can be poor planning or management, cash flow hurdles or anything else, but true failure comes from quitting. That is the reason, Ronn Torossian says that the power is not really in the idea, but it is actually in the follow-through which converts the idea into success.

Therefore, simply having a great idea is not enough. You need to know how the plan should be executed and how to reach from the point A to point B step by step.  Never start off without knowing the entire plan. Follow us on LinkedIn.